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The statements, views and opinions made or expressed on this website are solely those of GailsReps.
They are not made by or on behalf of Avon Cosmetics Ltd, or approved or authorised by them in any way.
I need to urgently make a payment on my account who can I speak to ?
Avon direct hunny 0333 2345 5000
Do you live in the UK?
And if so you will need to contact the person that recruited you to ask for help x
I looked at my avon account and on amount due it says $0 but it says i have an account balance of $13? I’m just wondering what its means!?
Hello Lindsey
I am unsure what it means as I work from the UK. Did you place an extra order or do Avon in the US charge you an admin fee?
I can not register my account because my account numbers are more than 8, why is that? please help.
Hi there
Do you live in the UK?
I am unsure if you live in the UK why it isn’t accepting your Account number. Contact avon on
If you live in the UK.
Why is my bill 64 were the bills is only 40.50