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Team GBR Training Day September 30th 2011

Written by Gail Reynolds on September 23, 2011

Team GBR have done it again

We have set up a training day for the team to come along to and take away some Fantastic Innovative Ideas to build your team and your business

The spaces are limited, and we have only got a few left!

The training is FREE YOU just have to turn up!

Invite Sept 30th Team GBR Training day

Invite Sept 30th Team GBR Training day

Invite 30th sept Agenda

What to expect on the day

So ask yourself this:

How important is MY sales leader business to me?

Do I want to grow and duplicate the efforts of my Up-line?

If the answer is yes then you must book your space now

The next training day wont be until 2012! So don't miss out.

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