The Avon Sales Leaders Live Your Dream Event is almost upon us
If you don't know what the Avon Live Your Dream Event is all about then please take a look at this blog.
The LYD (Live Your Dream) event is for all sales leaders in the UK and Northern Ireland to attend. It is a celebration of all that has been achieved by Independent Sales leaders in the UK and NI.
Last year in August 2011 the Avon Sales leaders Live Your Dream Event was held at the Celtic manor with over 400 sales leaders attending.
What happens at the Sales Leaders Live Your Dream Event
- Training
- Recognition
- Incentives such as Cars, Holidays, Cash, laptops, iPads and much much more
- Celebrity guest speakers
- Motivational speakers
- Gala Dinner
- Entertainment
- Networking
Sales Leaders Live your dream 2012 Incentive flyer
The evening event is the ultimate time to put on your Evening Gown and Tucks to be recognised on the stage in front of your piers. With Top 20 Holidays and the Top 50 recruiters there are also car winners and incentive achievers galore. To become part of the BIG event you need to become part of the Avon team. Team GBR (that's us here at gailsreps) are always looking for Top new Leaders to help them achieve their dreams and goals. So why not go on over to the Avon Sales Leadership tab and check out how you can become the next new star of the Avon Live Your Dream Event!
Simple Systems for Sales Leadership at the Live Your Dream Event 2011
That's me Gail Reynolds!
AVON the company for Men & Women
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