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Avon car wrap and text

Written by Gail on July 2, 2012

Having your car wrapped or sign written is a crucial part of your branding

Having been in the Avon business since 2002 I have found out just how important it is to have your vehicle as a rolling advertisement.

I have also had many cars through my years in my Avon business and some of my early cars were made to look a lot nicer and younger than they actually were!

Here is one of my very early days cars:

My Ford Mondeo was my pride and joy back in 2006 and before this car I had a very old soft top that I could only afford magnets for!

A few years later Brian my hubby got the car of his dreams a Jaguar!...Although it was an older jag we still got it straight into the sign writers and got some more sophisticated text on it!

The jag with the subtle Avon text

But, once I had the money to upgrade I bought myself a Brand New Kia and drove it straight from the forecourt over to the sign writers to get it's reflective writing splashed all over it!

The Kia Avon car 2008 with private number plate G1 REP

Having a Private number plate added to your car can be an amazing addition to the way your car looks.  My G1 REP number plate is my favourite part of my car.

The Avon Audi with half a body wrap at half the price

Once we got to 2009 we really were seeing the benefits of having our cars as a rolling advertisement everywhere we went.

Brian finally got to have his ultimate Audi a8 and in no time the back end of the car was wrapped by our local sign writers.

As you would imagine only half a wrap cost only half the price, but it did the complete job for us when it cam to getting the local community to notice us as a Brand and a business.

Avon Mercedes car 2011 with private number plate G2 REP

Now here is the car I achieved in 2011 on the Avon car Incentive Programme.

We had to sell over £5.2 Million pounds worth of Avon in just 1 year as a team and we did it!

For our efforts we were rewarded a car of our choice of the value of £26'000.00 and this is what I chose!

4 responses to “Avon car wrap and text”

  1. Hi Gail, I have spoken to you before.
    I love the idea on the car, something I and my partner are working towards. I really want to creat a stir of attention driving around and about 🙂
    Well done on your much earned success. I can’t wait to be as succesful as you!

    Tabatha Payne area 327

  2. Gail says:

    Hi Tabatha
    thank you, the car has made a massive difference to our business and lives 🙂
    The merc is now ours to keep and this year (2013) we go for the GOLD car worth £35’000.00 and the car of our choice!

  3. Georgina Warren says:

    Hi Gail!
    Just having a nosey at the wraps and graphics you have had done and I interested to know what restrictions are put on what we can have. I have a gorgeous image I really want to use. Are we able to use images? I’ve tried contacted Avon myself but with now joy.
    Kindest regards!
    Georgi xx

  4. Gail says:

    Hello Georgi
    There are restrictions on any Avon models. You cannot use any of their faces etc…but pictures of make up is fine.
    Why dont you email me what you are thinking of doing and I can tell you if they will allow it?

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