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How to Flag a page in your Avon Brochure

Written by Gail on January 24, 2011

One of my favourite things to share is the Flagging of an Avon page in your Avon brochure.

I have put together a simple video showing you how I Flag my Avon brochure pages.

4 Reasons to Flag your Avon pages

  1. It creates attention and draws your Avon customers to the special offers you have chosen to flag in the brochure.
  2. It shows your Avon customers where to go for the latest perfume sample by scratching and sniffing the scented pages.
  3. You can also give away free samples by flagging pages with special offers too ( My top tip is to only ever give away a sample inside a flagged page that Avon have put on special offer that campaign!)
  4. Its a great way to gain sales and start your conversation on the doorstep when knocking and presenting your brochure.

I hope this helps with your Avon Representative business and you go out and find lots more Avon customers from this simple technique.

If you have any special tips on how your present your Avon brochure maybe you would like to share with us too?

i look forward to hearing from you...

3 responses to “How to Flag a page in your Avon Brochure”

  1. Michelle says:

    Have been folding my brochures like this for sometime – don’t see what the difficulty was!!

  2. Carola Hill says:

    What a good idea and so simple! I will start doing this myself and will recommend it to all my team.

    Thank you!


  3. Avril says:

    Brilliant idea, will give this a go when I get my next brochures in, thanks Gail.


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