Take a look at the great earnings opportunities you will get with the Avon Slaes Leadership program
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After you have watched the video, if you have any questions you would to ask me personally then please contact me here.
I have been an Avon Sales Leader since 2002 and with no Direct Selling knowledge and no history in selling, I work along side my husband Brian and we live a very healthy and wealth life style.
Sales Leadership has 5 simple steps
1. You become an Avon Representative
2. You place your 1st Avon Order and deliver it to your customers
3. You request to become an Avon Sales Leader
4. You duplicate your efforts and show others how to become an Avon representative
5. You get paid a commission every time your team members place an order; your Passive income
It really is that easy!
Click the image below and start building your team today
AVON the company for Men & Women
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