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Avon sales Leadership eGuide

Written by Gail on May 18, 2011
Avon's eGuide to sales leadership UK
Below you will find some simple and easy ways to run your sales leadership business online
this eGuide is a simple run through of what you may need to know in your early start to your sales leadership business
Take a look and take some notes 
On your Dashboard expect to see


Campaign Due:
This shows what Campaign you can order in as well as how many days are left in this


Pending Orders:
This shows if you have any pending orders. Click on the ‘Click here’ to complete your


Returns and Replacements:
This shows if you have any pending credits and / or replacements.


Account Balance:
This shows the balance due on your account


This shows if there are any new messages. Click to view.


My Team Office – Select a Representative


How to select a representative
Enter the name or account number of the Representative whose website you wish to view


Click ‘Submit’


You are now looking at the selected Representatives website.


What you would expect to see in My Team Office – Your Team’s Orders


Not Placed an Order:
the current Campaign.
This shows you a list of all Representatives who have not yet submitted an order for


All Orders:
This shows
down boxes at the top of the page
you a list of all Representatives who have submitted an order for the currentAll reports are defaulted to the current Campaign. You can change the Campaign by using the drop


column header
Representative information is split into columns and each column can be filtered by clicking on the


You have the option to ‘Print’ all reports or ‘Export to Excel’




Here you have four reports available to download which are:



Alpha Listingo


Smart Start Reporto


Down line Summary Statemento


Sales Leader Statement
To download reports to your laptop / PC click on ‘Download all Reports’. Alternatively you can view
these reports online


In My Team Office, you will expect to see – Leads



This shows all of the Leads that have applied via your Sales Leader Personal Recruiting Page.


Quick Reference Guide for step by step instructions on placing an order.
Allows you to place a personal order.


Please see the Representative eSales SuiteOrder Tracking:
numbers; print extra return forms and view your invoices all within the last 5 campaigns.
Shows all orders placed within 5 campaigns. You can also see the order confirmation


dates for 5 campaigns.
Shows you the days your orders are due to be placed as well as delivery


Account Balance:
Shows the most recent activity on your account within the last 5 campaigns.


Make a Payment:
Redirects you to the secure Barclay card payment site.


My Details:


updated by you, for the other information to be changed, you will need to request a change from

Personal Information: Shows all of your personal information. Some of this information can be

Account Information: Allows you to change your password


Presidents Club:


This is split into two sections which are:


Your Status




Manager for that Area.
Allows you enter any UK postcode and view the information of the Area Sales


Shows you all invoices within the specified time frame in which you can request a return.


Shows you all invoices within the specified time frame in which you can request a


adding new Customers and editing the details of existing Customers.
Shows a list of all of your Customers. You can view Customers alphabetically as well as




Shows you news and articles on the following:




Business News


Latest News


Product News


Avon in the News


In-sight MagazinePlease note: This section is content managed and subject to change and be updated. Ensure
you check back here every Campaign for updated news.


Training and Development


Getting Started:
and the National Web SMA guide.
Has the Sales Leader Business E-guide, Training guides, PATD guides, How to guides


Building your Business:
Advertising guidelines, Trainee Sales Leader Checklist, PATD downloads and information on the
Business Development Bonus.

Access to Beauty of Knowledge Online Training, Development Calls,

Your Team Skills:
Contact guide.
This section covers Pre Interview, Leading and Influencing and a Development


Please note: This section is content managed and subject to change and be updated. Ensure
you check back here every Campaign for updated Training and Development.




Allows you to send messages to your Representatives as well as viewing messages that may have been
sent from your Area Sales Manager and / or Avon.




Links you directly into Avon Connects – Avon’s very own Social Networking site. Connect with your
Customers and Down line Team. Get all the latest style advice and tips on how to improve your business.
Chat with other Avon Representatives and Avon Sales Leaders and explore the power of Social Media



You have the option to Appoint the Leads or Transfer the Leads to another Sales Leader.
If the Lead is no longer interested in becoming an Independent Avon Representative you can close the Lead.
You will expect to see in My Own Office
the type of e-mails you wish to receive from Avon. As well as opting in to receive Customer Leads from the Find a Representative search on Avon Connects

Preferences: Allows you to select the Quick links you want to appear on your homepage. To select

Support Information: Shows how to contact Avon, make a payment and send your returns back

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