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Baby Budgeting with Avon

Written by Gail on September 2, 2010

Baby Budgeting

When I fell pregnant with Baba I was working with children with special needs, and I knew that I wouldn’t be able to go back into this job. It was a really emotional job and I knew that it would drain me while looking after a young baby. But we knew that I had to work.
I had been self employed for many years, and had tried Direct Selling before and knew that this would be a good route to go down. As I could work from home and build up my business gradually.
I knew about Avon Cosmetics, and thought that I hadn’t seen a book for ages so applied to become a representative. It only costs £15.00 to sign up as a representative taken over two equal instalments, so there is no money up front. The commission is great you earn between 20 to 25% in commissions on your total order value every three weeks, and it is fun flexible and a great way to meet people.You can choose your own hours and can sell to family, friends, neighbours and work colleagues and you can buy discounted Avon products for yourself and can get some products for free! 

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