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Avon Brochure Campaign 10

Written by Gail on February 25, 2011
Avon Brochure for Campaign 10

Avon Brochure for Campaign 10Avon Brochure Campaign 10 Information

Introducing  Avon's Advanced techniques Professional Hair Colour


Fergie's secret to superstar colour:

"I love being a blond! Advanced Techniques Permanent hair colour helped me get the perfect blond shade with No 9.0

My hair feels smooth, and the colour looks fresh and shiny"

96% of women agree it gives beautifully blended natural-looking colour

Each box contains a 3 step colouring system

  1. A Pioneering Pre-Treatment
  2. Permanent colour
  3. Post Treatment

Celebrity hairdresser Andrew barton is on hand to help you make the switch from your high street brand to your Advanced techniques hair colour.  You'll be amazed by the results.

Andrew Say's:

"Advanced Techniques hair colour has a professional grade formula, so you can feel completely confident in colouring your hair at home".

Advanced Techniques hair colouring system

Advanced Techniques hair colouring system

Avon customers, representatives and Avon sales leaders can all get the benefits of the new Advanced techniques Hair colouring system.  So ask your local Avon representative today about the new Hair Care products.
Take a look at the latest video on how to use the new Avon Advanced techniques Permenant Hair colour.
[stream provider=youtube flv=http%3A//www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DEmKurluulBU img=x:/img.youtube.com/vi/EmKurluulBU/0.jpg embed=false share=false width=450 height=253 dock=true controlbar=over bandwidth=high autostart=false /]

2 responses to “Avon Brochure Campaign 10”

  1. Rita Walker says:

    I watched the video because I have ordered the new Superstar Hair Colour to try it out. But the one thing I want to Know – how long do you leave it on for- is not mentioned. I have been using Clairol’s new colour foam which you leave on for 25 min, so I am hoping Avon’s will not be any longer. Apart from that the video is ok.

  2. Gail says:

    I believe it states 30 minutes?…
    If you dont have the information then contact avon on:

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