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Jan Ruhe guest speaker at Avon Live Your Dream

Written by Gail on July 18, 2012

Avon's LYD Guest speaker confirmed for 2012 event

Guest Speaker Jan Ruhe is to attend the UK Avon Live Your Dream Event 2012

Avon have confirmed and are very excited to announce that the guest speaker for Avon's annual Live Your Dream event for 2012 will be Jan Ruhe.
If you didn't know Jan Ruhe is world-renowned for her personal growth and development training. Jan is an inspiring speaker and motivational network marketer, with years of experience within the industry.

Avon Sales Leaders are in for a treat with Jan Ruhes Motivational guest appearance

The yearly event with Avon is always phenomenal, and every year Avon have given us some fantastic speakers.  Jan will share her years of Network Marketing Experience along with her personal stories and fantastic books.

Jan Ruhe is an author, entrepreneur and MLM Direct selling and Network Marketing guru.  I have read all her books including Nuts and Bolts, one of my all time favourites.

Is Multi Level Marketing for you?

If you have never heard of Multi Level Marketing and the opportunities the Industry can offer you then you may be interested to know a few more facts about what Avon Sales leadership may have to offer you.

  • MLM (Multi level marketing) is an industry that has been going for hundreds of years
  • MLM provides a passive and residual income that allows you financial independence
  • You will be your own boss with complete flexibility to work as and when you like with who you want!
  • The MLM Industry offers you a way out of the RAT RACE and begin an new and life changing career
  • Within the MLM industry you don't have to have any previous knowledge or experience to become successful (I am just a house wife wanting to provide for my kids and I am the Number 3 in the country and live the most amazing life thanks to MLM Leadership and Avon Sales leadership)
  • There are no HARD SALES MEN techniques and you dont have to be a "Sales Person" to join this industry (I certainly am NOT a sales woman with attitude)
  • For a £25.00 start up cost you can become an Avon Sales leader and begin your MLM business today

So, for people like Jan Ruhe, Lisa Wilber and many other house wives like myself (Gail Reynolds) to be able to make a difference to our families lives then why not ask yourself why not you too?


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