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Biggest Avon Earnings in 1 campaign SO FAR… £13k!

Written by Gail on December 11, 2013

From £7,000 a year to

A grand total of.....Capture

Yes, that's right. We earned a staggering £13,023.64 this campaign and we are so grateful to everyone in our team for helping us get there. We couldn't do it without YOU.

Earn over £13'000.00 in 3 weeks with Avon!

And yes we feel blessed and quite overwhelmed by the amazing income growth we have experienced over the years.  Even with a recession we manage to grow our income year on year and campaign on campaign.

ANYONE can earn this kind of money with the Avon Sales Leadership Opportunity. If you would like to join our team as an Avon Sales Leader, click here to find out more. There are unlimited earnings with the Avon Sales Leadership business opportunity, so why not you, why not today?!

November 2013 Avon Pay cheque

Gail and Brian Reynolds total Avon earnings

Gail and Brian Reynolds total Avon earnings

Only 13 months back, we earned over £10k in one Avon campaign. This means we have increased by £3k during the period of 13 months in one single Avon campaign. Read about our Avon income and how you can do the same here.

Anybody is capable of these amazing Avon earnings. You have the power to succeed in your Avon business. Hard work and determination will help you earn this kind of income. Remember: I started off as a single mother of 2, with no real income- it IS possible and you CAN achieve what you want.

Gails Top Business Tips: as published in the Daily Mail

Gail's Top Business Tips: as published in the Daily Mail


And how about another drum roll please.....because just 3 weeks later I have managed to beat last campaigns income.  It simply is an amazing business and residual income, you would be crazy not to at least have a look at it.

December 2013 Avon Pay cheque

Avon earnings December 2013

Avon earnings December 2013


Come and see what Avon Sales Leadership can do for you and ask us anything about joining Team GBR in 2014.


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