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How to hold an Avon party

Written by Gail Reynolds on February 28, 2010

How to Hold an Avon Party

Parties Mean Sales!

Give your Avon business a real boost. A great way to do this is by holding an open house party.

Parties are an informal, fun way to get to know people and find new customers, plus it's a great opportunity to increase your Avon earnings – parties allow you to easily promote Avon's special offers and new Avon products. Avon Parties also enable customers to see the products – far better than only relying on the picture in the brochure.

Invite your family, friends, work colleagues, customers and people who have not ordered yet - ask everyone to ‘bring a friend’ – they will feel more comfortable and you may gain more Avon customers.

If you have been a Representative for a while, you will be surprised just how many products you have around the home, but you can always add to what you have by ordering demonstration products from Hello Tomorrow. Remember – customers who try, buy!

Click the image to go view an online Avon Brochure

Click the image to go view an online Avon Brochure

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