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Avon achievers in Team GBR

Written by Gail on September 16, 2012

Avon Campaign 14 results are in and we have some amazing achievers

Avon Senior Executive Sales Leader Marsha Barras

Marsha Barras has been with Team GBR for just over 2 years, and since joining Avon Marsha has gone on to achieve some amazing things.  First Marsha became the fastest to Executive Sales leader level in just 6 campaigns (that is 18 weeks)

This award and recognition is not only for reaching Senior Executive in her 2nd year but also for maintaining her level over 3 campaigns..

We here at gailsreps (Gail and Brian Reynolds) proudly present Marsha with her £1000.00 cheque for our personal Incentive level 6, maintenance of her Senior Executive level

Another achiever for Avon campaign 14 results was Rebecca Adams

Rebecca Adams achieves Sales leader status

With 12 qualifying orders in just 6 weeks, Rebecca will receive the team GBR incentive level 1 My book Mum's the word.

Not only did Rebecca achieve her Avon Sales leader status in her 1st campaign she did it with a 100% activity too.  Rebecca achieved all her Avon bonuses too aswel as a slap up meal care of her better half who set a personal target to grow her team too!

Another achiever is Suzanne Chappell for her massive personal sales figure.

Suzanne Chappell Top Avon Sales for Campaign 14

Suzanne not only has a massive  team of her own that she recruits, trains and develops she has also managed to do some eye popping personal sales this campaign too.

The Avon Presidents Club level is easy peasy when you have this amount of sales coming in!

Here on gailsreps we give a peronalised incentive sheet for every sales leader that joins our top line of sales leaders.

If you are interested in learning more then follow me over here and check out our personal incentive sheets.



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