We at Team GBR would like to offer our congratulations to Ginny Ward for achieving Advanced Sales Leadership level in her business
From Sales leadership Level to Advanced Sales Leadership Level
Working your way through the Avon Sales leadership compensation plan offers you huge rewards
The Benefits of Avon's BDB (Business Development Programme)
- An immediate Pay Rise from 2, 4, and 5% commissions to 4, 6 & 7%
- A £200.00 Bonus for reaching advanced status
- £100.00 Bonuses for each qualifying sales leader on your team
- PLUS a massive £200.00 extra Bonus if you maintain your status for the next 5 campaigns
- Team GBR Cash Incentive of £150.00 Exclusive to GailsReps Sales leaders only
We would like to offer our continued support to Ginny and her team, and hope that soon she will be reaching the next level in the compensation plan with Avon
AVON the company for Men & Women
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