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Avon campaign 1 and 2 incentive achievers

Written by Gail on January 14, 2015

First of all, Happy New Year to you all! We would just like to say, every one has done so well over the Christmas period in terms with Avon. Your hard work for 2014 paid off really well in the end and we hope you had a fabulous festive season. Now it's the New Year, everyone is getting settled into their work extremely well and we can tell it was definitely some people's New Year's Resolutions to give Avon their best shot!

In campaign 1 and 2, we have had 2 fantastic achievers; 1 of which achieved Senior Coordinator, and the other achieved Coordinator. Exellent work - and the year has only just begun!

Campaign 1

Lorna Foley

Senior Coordinator

Avon campaign 1 and 2 incentive achievers - Lorna Foley Senior Coordinator

Avon campaign 1 and 2 incentive achievers - Lorna Foley Senior Coordinator

All I can say is wow, Lorna Foley has rocketed through her first Avon campaigns, achieving an incentive every campaign since campaign 17! (Check out her achievements for 17 and 18). Lorna has now achieved Senior Coordinator, meaning she will recieve free 1 on 1 training with us AND a £50 budget from us to generate her own leads. Well done Lorna!

If you would like to find out more information on how to join Lorna on her Avon team, click here.

Part 2 of our Avon campaign 1 and 2 incentive achievers blog leads us to our 2nd achiever:

Campaign 2

Karen Faye


 Avon Campaign 1 and 2 Incentive achievers: Karen Faye Coordinator

Avon Campaign 1 and 2 Incentive achievers: Karen Faye Coordinator

What a fantastic start to the New Year for Karen. She has kick started her business and achieved coordinator, meaning she will recieve from us a copy of the book “Mum’s the Word” – which was written with the help from lovely Rosie Reynolds, aged 6½. We have given Karen the opportunity to see just how simple it is to run a business - and a happy family, together! The book shows and describes how I have managed to build a Multi Million Pound Business with Avon Sales Leadership; it is packed with simple techniques and ideas on how you can do it too. Very well done, Karen, can't wait to see your business grow this year.

If you would like to find out more information on how to join Karen on her Avon team, click here.

If you missed last campaigns blog for the Avon Campaign 18 Incentive achievers, just follow the link here to have a look.

Do you like the sound and look of our incentives?

Then join our forever growing Avon team!

Simply click here, or click on our logo to fill in our application form. Can’t wait to here from you.


See how Avon Leadership Levels work by checking out one of my recent blogs, simply click here to find out more.

One response to “Avon campaign 1 and 2 incentive achievers”

  1. […] you missed last campaigns blog for the Avon Campaign 1 – 2 Incentive achievers, just follow the link here to have a […]

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